Another battle report is ready!
This time the opponents are SM and BA. I was late and on my arrival my friends almost started the game. I had no other choice but to make photos and wait for opponent. Sorry for pictures quality, I only had a cell phone with me this time.
I added some additional details to photos. I hope you like it.
And again - excuse us for unpainted models! We are working hard to fix this problem! :)
Army Lists:
ARMY DESCRIPTION: Blood AngelsHQ 1: Librarian with Blood Lance and Sanguinary Sword [100 pts]
Elites 1: Sanguinary Priest with power sword [65 pts]
Troops 1: 10*Assault Space Marines w/o jump packs, 2 meltaguns in Transport 1 [210 pts]
Troops 2: 6*Assault Space marines w/o jump packs, 1 flamer in Transport 2 [123 pts]
Fast Attack 1: Baal Predator with searchlight [116 pts]
Fast Attack 2: Baal Predator with searchlight [116 pts]
Transport 1: Land Raider Redeemer with multimelta, transports Troops 1 [215 pts]
Transport 2: Razorback with lascannon and twin-linked plasmagun transports Troops 2 [55 pts]
Total Cost: 1000 pts.
HQ 1: Epistolary with Avenger and Null Zone [150 pts]
Troops 1: 10*Tactical Space Marines with 2 plasma pistols, 1 plasmagun, 1 multimelta in Transport 1 [210 pts]
Troops 2: 10*Tactical Space Marines with 1 flamer, 1 combi-flamer, 1 lascannon in Transport 2 [195 pts]
Heavy Support 1: Predator with Autocannon and Lascannon sponsons [120 pts]
Heavy Support 2: Vindicator with Dozer Blade [120 pts]
Transport 1: Rhino, transports Troops 1 [35 pts]
Transport 2: Razorback with lascannon and twin-linked plasmagun transports Troops 2 [75 pts]
Fortification: Aegis defense line with Quad-gun [100 pts]
Total Cost: 1000 pts.
Mission: Scoring (5)
Deployment: Vanguard Strike (3)
Warlord Traits:
BA: Master of Offence
SM: Target Priority
BA: Prescience, Foreboding.
SM: Avenger, Psychic shriek.
- BA wins roll off and let SM to go first.
- Sieze initiative - fail.
- First turn - Night fight.
- No Red Thirst for BA.
Terrain rules:
Ruins - DT 4+ cover save. First floor without DT (no area terrain).
Bastion - impassible.
Shuttle debris's - DT 5+ cover save.
First turn:
- SM deployment marker - Sabotaged!
- Marker between bastions - also Sabotaged!
- SM deployment marker explodes but Marines take their armor tests.
- SM deployment marker - nothing.
- Razorback open 2nd marker in the ruins - Skyfire Nexus.
- LRR uses smoke launchers.
- Vindicator looses 1 hull point as well as Storm bolter.
Second turn:
- Combined fire from SM forces causes one glancing hit on Baal Predator.
- Everything moves forward.
- Combined fire from LRR and Baal Predator at Rhino. Transport stunned and have lost 2 HP.
- Vindicator makes his cover saves from Baal's shooting.
- Razorback mises at Predator.
Third turn:
- Vindicator prepares to open fire.
- Razorback, Predator and Tactical Marines manages to make a glancing hit on Baal Predator.
- Vindicator fires at LRR, but pieplate scatters at Predator and penetrates it.
- Librarian casts Prescience.
- Everything keeps moving forward.
- Assault squad disembarks from LRR.
- Vindicator is stunned by Razorback's and Baal Predator's combined fire.
- LRR was unable to penetrate Predators front armor.
- Rhino is blown up by Assault squad.
- SM sergуant survives in challenge, but the rest of squad is killed. SM fails morale test and retreat.
Fourth turn:
- Librarian fails to cast Fiery Form. Then he and SM combat squad disembarks from Razorback.
- BA Razorback is wrecked by Lascanon and Quad gun from SM combat squad.
- SM Librarian casts Avenger at BA Assault squad. He is supported by Razorback's and Tactical Marines fire. Seven BA Assault Marines dies.
- Predator manages to kill 2 ASM from wrecked Razorback.
BA fourth turn
- Librarian fails to cast Prescience. Then he and rest of ASM squad embarks in to LRR.
- ASM from wrecked Razorback manages to wreck Vindicator with krak granade.
- LRR kills 3 Tactical Marines with Assault cannon. Marines choose to fail Leadership test.
- Predator make it's cover saves from Baal's shooting.
Fith turn:
- Units getting ready to open fire.
- Librarian leaves SM squad.
- BA ASM squad is gunned down by SM bolterfire.
- Predator fails to penetrate Baal's front armor.
- Razorback is unable to penetrate LRR armor.
- Librarian cast's Prescience.
- Baal Predator moves flat out and claims the marker.
- LRR moves forward to SM positions.
- ASM, Priest and Librarian disembarks from LRR. ASM claims another marker. Priest and Librarian prepares to charge.
- LRR kills 2 Tactical Marines from Librarian Squad with Assault cannon.
- Priest and Librarian Charges SM Librarian. SM Librarian casts Avenger and kills BA Librarian with overwach.
- Priest kills SM Librarian
Rolling for 6th turn - game goes on...
Sixth turn:
- SM Sergeant fires 2 Plasma pistols at Priest but misses. Also one of pistols get's hot and Sergeant fails his armor save.
- Combined fire from all SM forces manages to make a glancing hit on Baal Predator.
- LRR moved forward to SM defense lines.
- Priest prepared to charge razorback.
- LRR kills 3 Marines behind defense lines.
- Baal Predator fires at Razorback and scores glancing hit.
- Priest assaults Razorback but he is unable to cause any harm.
Rolling for 7th turn - and again the game goes on...
Seventh turn:
- Tactical Marines moves to central marker.
- Razorback manages to kill 2 ASM with plasmagun.
- Predator was unable to penetrate Baal's front Armor once again.
- Marines run. However the dice roll was poor and they unable to claim central marker.
SM: 3 VP
Warlord: 1 VP
First Blood: 1 VP
1 Fast attack 1 VP
BA: 4 VP
Warlord: 1 VP
Objective: 3 VP
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