Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Battle report: IG vs SM 1000 pts.


My first Battle report wich i made a couple of months ago.  Please forgive us for unpainted models!

I got my 6th Edition Rulebook in September and it took me a week to get used to new rules. One week later I managed to find some time and play WH40k with friends. We decided to play 1000pts. game. I was going to play with Greyhawk and his Imperial Fists.

Army Lists:

IG 1000pts.

4 Meltaguns

3 Meltaguns

3х Vets
3 Plasmaguns, Lascanon
Chimera ML, HF.




SM 1000pts.



2х 10 Tactical Space Marines
Power Fist, Meltagun, Lascanon
Razorback with Lascanon and Plasmagun.

Autocanon, Lascanon sponsons



Mission: Scoring (4)

Deployment: Vanguard Strike (3)


Terrain rules:
Bunker - 14 14 14 AV, 10 models capacity, 2 fire points.
Ruins -  4+ cover.
Bastion - Impassible.
Shuttle debris - DT 5+ cover.

Greyhawk wins roll off. He generously determined me to the edge of the table where it was virtually impossible to hide.

Warlord Traits:
IG: Divide to Conquer
SM: Legendary Fighter

Psychic powers:
IG: -
SM: Haemorrhage, Psychic shriek.

Near bunker: 2 pts.
IG deployment: 3 pts.
No mans land: 1 pts. 
Central ruins: 2 pts. 
South ruins: 3 pts.
SM deployment: 4 pts.


Night fight didn't happen. 
Seize the initiative? - no :(


First turn:


Central SM marker was opened - Ambush! 
The marker in SM deployment was allso opened but i do not remember it.

- All vehicles moved forward.
- Marines occupied ruins near home marker..

- Space Marines on the top flor marker missed Lascanon at Chimera.
- Transports moved flat out and occupied strategic points on the hill. 
- Predator and Vindicator moved flat out to have a better shooting position.

* Marker with ambush explodes! Marine with Lascanon dies. Marbo - happy!
SM first turn


- Chimera slightly crawled back.
- Veterans disembarked From Chimera and claimed IG home marker.

- Two Chimeras
was unable to cause any harm to Techpriests Razorbek.
- Veterans in transports missed at same target.
- Veterans on the 2nd floor of my ruins missed lascanon shot at Librarians transport.
IG first turn

Second turn:


- Vindicator moves forward and preparing to open fire.
- Predator remains stationary. 
- Librarians Razorbek moving forward to IG positions.
- Techpriests Razorback moves forward and preparing to open fire at Chimeras.

- Razorback with Techpriest and Predator Stun's one Chimera.
- Vindicator puts pie plate on the central chimera. Blast scatters and covers two chimeras. Chimera under the wall is immobilized while second successfully uses its 3+ cover save (high angle).

* SM central marker explodes again. No casualties this time.  
SM second turn


Rolling for reserves and ... A first Vendetta is arriving! 

- Vendetta with Company commander arrived from SM short table eage. Moving right behind Vindicator.
- Chimera's moved a little backwards to get better cover.

- Vindicator was blown up by Vendetta.
- Veterans brake plasmacanon on Librarians Razorback. One veteran dies from "gets hot".

IG Second turn

Third turn:


- Predator moved back and prepared to open fire on a vendetta.
- Librarian with Space Marines disembarked from Razorback.
- Techpriest with combat squad disembarked from in to ruins.

- A lot of shooting at Vendetta. Not a single glancing hit.
- Teachpriests Razorbek shakes one of the Chimeras with lascanon.
- Librarian casts Psychic Shriek in the squad of veterans and kills six of them.

SM third turn


Rolling for reserves and ... A second Vendetta is coming!

- Second flyer zooms from the SM's short table side.
- First Vendetta enters Hover mode. It is going to shoot Techpriests Razorback. 
- Company command squad disembarks from Vendetta. They move in Predators direction.
- All veterans disembark. One unit is placed in the doorway of the ruins. Second unit takes cover behind the wall. All 3 units of Veterans are preparing to open fire on the Librarians squad.

- Predator exploded by Company command squad.
- Central Vendetta wrecks Techpriests razorback.
- Arrived Vendetta explodes Librarian's Razorbek.
- Veterans fires at Librarian squad and kills every one of them.

IG third turn

Fourth turn:


- Techpriest and his squad hides in central ruins.

- Tehchpriest shot at Vendetta with plasmapistol and exploded it.
- Marines which were holding top floor marker managed to cause 2 wounds on Company commander.

SM fourth turn


- Veterans marched through the doorway.
- One Veterans squad embarked Chimera and moved to the center.
- Company command squad tried to reach the Predators crater, but the DT roll was very poor.
- The remaining Vendetta entered hover mode
- A squad of veterans at the home marker, moved away from windows.
- Empty Chimera rolled towards the center.


- Company commander squad guns down 2 Marines on the top floor marker.
- Vendetta kills two Marines from Techpriests squad.
- A squad of veterans in the doorway reaches marker next to the bunker.
- Chimera with veterans moved flat out.

IG fourth turn

Fith turn:


- Tehpriest leaves Marines squad and moves towards floating Vendetta. His squad climbs up and grabs another marker.
- Marines with lascanon in SM deployment ruins moves downstairs and prepare to take their home marker.

- Tehpriest shoots the plane, but unable to penetrate it.
- Lone Marines on top floor marker in central ruins guns down 2 guardsman’s from Company command squad.
- Techpriests squad reaches top floor of their ruins..
- Marines with lascanon claims SM home marker.

* Central marker in the ruins explodes again ! (Marbo obviously overdo it) - Marines managed to make their armor saves.

SM fith turn


- Veterans at the bunker, moves a little bit to have some extra models near it in case of casualties.
- Chimera disembarked veterans.
- Vendetta floats in hover mode around and drops second Company command squad, which moves in to the point blank range to the marines at SM home marker.
- Warlords command squad manages to jump in to the craters.

- Veterans and Vendetta killed Techpriests squad.
- Warlords command squad killed last marine on the top floor marker.
- Second command squad killed 1 marine ar SM home marker.

- In fearsome melee fight, Company commander manages to kill 2 marines by himself and one more was killed with knifes by veterans. Last survived Marine failed morale test and runed away. (We figured out that you can't charge after disembark only after game finished)

IG fith turn

We rolled for 6th turn and the game was ended!

Game results:

First Blood 1VP
Warlord 1VP
2 Markers 5 VP


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